How to grant users to access the Kubernetes cluster with a client certificate(restricted access)
Hello folks, Have you ever faced issues like the developers in your team need to see the status of Pods, services, or any other resources in development clusters. And you don’t want to give whole access to the cluster. Sometimes developers need to see logs of an application but they didn't know much about Kubernetes. In that case, we can give them restricted access. So I have created this simple guide to give restricted access to the teammates.

Generate a private key and CSR(certificate signing request)
openssl genrsa -out developer.key 4096

openssl req -new -key developer.key -out developer.csr
This command will ask for your details like country, state, city, organization name, department, common name(CN), etc.
Note — Do remember a common name that will be used as your username while authentication.

Convert CSR to base64
csr_base64=$(cat developer.csr | base64 | tr -d “\n”)
Create Certificate Signing Request in kubernetes
cat << EOF > CertificateSigningRequest.yaml
kind: CertificateSigningRequest
name: developer
— system:authenticated
request: ${csr_base64}
— client auth
Substitute csr_base64 in request
cat CertificateSigningRequest.yaml | envsubst | kubectl apply -f -kubectl get csr

Approve Certificate Signing Request
kubectl certificate approve developer

Extract Client Certificate from approved CSR
kubectl get csr developer -o jsonpath='{.status.certificate}' | base64 --decode > developer-client-certificate.crt
Now use this generated Client Certificate file (developer-client-certificate.crt) for creating kubeconfig file
apiVersion: v1
- cluster:
certificate-authority-data: <CA-DATA>
- context:
cluster: <CLUSTER-NAME>
user: <USER> # e.g. kube-ops
kind: Config
- name: <USER> # e.g. kube-ops
client-certificate-data: <CLIENT-CRT-DATA>
client-key-data: <CLIENT-KEY-DATA>
- Update
with you Kubernetes API server (i.e. master) host and port. - Update
with your Kubernetes cluster name. - Update
with “your-username” - Update
with the based64 encoded Kubernetes CA certificate. - Update
with the based64 encoded client certificate developer-client-certificate.crt - Update
with the based64 encoded client key developer.key.
You can generate <CA-DATA>
with the following command:
# Generate the <CLIENT-CRT-DATA>
cat developer-client-certificate.crt | base64 | tr -d '\n'
# Generate the <CLIENT-KEY-DATA>
cat developer.key | base64 | tr -d '\n'
Create Cluster Role and Cluster Role Bindings
You can change access according to your need. Here I am considering my teammates need to see logs of all pods from dev namespace. Click here for more details about Role-based access control in Kubernetes.
kubectl create role developer --verb=get --resource=pod,pods/logs -n devkubectl create rolebinding developer --clusterrole=developer --user=gaurav -n dev
Now lets test the access given to the user
Note: Here user(gaurav) is the common name field(CN) that we have given while creating the Certificate Signing request.
kubectl auth can-i get pods/logs — as gaurav -n dev

I have created a bash script for all the above steps here. You can change the values required accordingly and execute this script this will automatically execute all the above steps. Then you just need to create a Kube config file from the generated client certificate for your user.